Typed Event Emitter class which can act as a Base Model for all our model and communication events. This makes it much easier for us to distinguish between events, as we now need to properly type this, so that our events are not stringly-based and prone to silly typos.




_connected: boolean = false
_disposed: boolean = false
_height: number = 0
_isVisible: boolean = false
_stream?: MediaStream
_width: number = 0
analyser?: AnalyserNode
audioContext?: AudioContext
audioMuted: boolean
call?: MatrixCall
client: MatrixClient
deviceId: undefined | string
feedId: string
frequencyBinCount?: Float32Array
localVolume: number = 1
measuringVolumeActivity: boolean = false
roomId?: string
speaking: boolean = false
speakingThreshold: number = SPEAKING_THRESHOLD
speakingVolumeSamples: number[]
tracksMetadata: SDPStreamMetadataTracks = {}
userId: string
videoMuted: boolean
volumeLooperTimeout?: Timeout



  • Returns true if audio is muted or if there are no audio tracks, otherwise returns false


    is audio muted?

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if CallFeed is local, otherwise returns false


    is local?

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true video is muted or if there are no video tracks, otherwise returns false


    is video muted?

    Returns boolean

  • Starts emitting volume_changed events where the emitter value is in decibels


    • enabled: boolean

      emit volume changes

    Returns void

  • Set one or both of feed's internal audio and video video mute state Either value may be null to leave it as-is


    • audioMuted: null | boolean

      is the feed's audio muted?

    • videoMuted: null | boolean

      is the feed's video muted?

    Returns void

  • Replaces the current MediaStream with a new one. The stream will be different and new stream as remore parties are concerned, but this can be used for convenience locally to set up volume listeners automatically on the new stream etc.


    • newStream: MediaStream

      new stream with which to replace the current one

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • width: number
    • height: number

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional oldStream: MediaStream
    • Optional newStream: MediaStream

    Returns void

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